p u b l i c a t i o n s

Full texts available at my ResearchGate profile

Last update: 25.06.2023


149. Mikusiński G, Elbakidze M, Skaltsa I, Orlikowska EH, Żmihorski M, Iwińska K (2023) Elucidating human-nature connectedness in three EU countries: a pro-environmental behavior perspective. People and Nature (in press)

148. Kačergytė I, Knape J, Żmihorski M, Arlt D, Pärt T (2023) Community associations of birds with amphibians and fish in wetlands created for biodiversity. Biological Conservation 282: 110031

147. Basile M, Krištín A, Mikusiński G, Thorn S, Żmihorski M, Pasinelli G, Brockerhoff EG (2022) Salvage Logging Strongly Affects Woodpecker Abundance and Reproduction: a Meta-analysis. Current Forestry Reports (in press)

146. Zyśk-Gorczyńska E, Żmihorski M (2022) Ultraviolet film reduces bird–glass collision risk. Ornis Fennica 99: 95-103

145. Kačergytė I, Pärt T, Berg Å, Arlt D, Żmihorski M, Knape J (2022) Quantifying effects of wetland restorations on bird communities in agricultural landscapes. Biological Conservation 273: 109676

144. Kotowska D, Pärt T, Skórka P, Auffret AG, Żmihorski M (2022) Scale dependence of landscape heterogeneity effects on plant invasions. Journal of Applied Ecology 59: 1313-1323

143. Šálek M, Bažant M, Żmihorski M, Gamero A (2022) Evaluating conservation tools in intensively-used farmland: Higher bird and mammal diversity in seed-rich strips during winter. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 327: 107844

142. Żmihorski M, Kotowska D, Zyśk-Gorczyńska E (2022) Using citizen science to identify environmental correlates of bird-window collisions in Poland. Science of the Total Environment 811: 152358

141. Walesiak M, Mikusiński G, Borowski Z, Żmihorski M (2022) Large fire initially reduces bird diversity in Poland’s largest wetland biodiversity hotspot. Biodiversity & Conservation 31: 1037-1056

140. Rachwald A, Ciesielski M, Szurlej M, Żmihorski M (2022) Following the damage: Increasing western barbastelle bat activity in bark beetle infested stands in Białowieża Primeval forest. Forest Ecology and Management 503: 119803

139. Nowak S, Żmihorski M, Figura M, Stachyra P, Mysłajek RW (2021) The illegal shooting and snaring of legally protected wolves in Poland. Biological Conservation 264: 109367

138. Zyśk-Gorczyńska E, Sztwiertnia H, Pietkiewicz M, Kolanek A, Bojarska K, Żmihorski M (2022) Local bird densities and habitats are poor predictors of bird collision with glass bus shelters. Landscape and Urban Planning 217: 104285

137. Jaroszewicz B, Nowak K, Żmihorski M (2021) Poland’s border wall threatens ancient forest. Science 374(6571): 1063-1063

136. Šálek M, Kalinová K, Daňková R, Grill S, Żmihorski M (2021) Reduced diversity of farmland birds in homogenized agricultural landscape: a cross-border comparison over the former Iron Curtain. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 321: 107628

135. Kačergytė I, Petersson E, Arlt D, Hellström M, Knape J, Spens J, Żmihorski M, Pärt T (2021) Environmental DNA metabarcoding elucidates patterns of fish colonisation and co-occurrences with amphibians in temperate wetlands created for biodiversity. Freshwater Biology 66:1915-1929

134. Kačergytė I, Arlt D, Berg Å, Żmihorski M, Knape J, Rosin ZM, Pärt T (2021) Evaluating created wetlands for bird diversity and reproductive success. Biological Conservation 257:109084

133. Pustkowiak S, Kwieciński Z, Lenda M, Żmihorski M, Rosin Z, Tryjanowski P, Skóka P (2021) Small things are important: the value of singular point elements for birds in agricultural landscapes. Biological Rewievs 96:1386-1403

132. Borowik T, Ratkiewicz M, Maślanko W, Kowalczyk R, Duda N, Żmihorski M (2021) Temporal pattern of moose-vehicle collisions. Transportation Research Part D 92:102715

131. Krupiński D, Kotowska D, Recio MR, Żmihorski M, Obłoza P, Mirski P (2021)  Ranging behaviour and habitat use in Montagu’s Harrier in extensive farmland of Eastern Poland. Journal of Ornithology 162:325-337

130. Kotowska D, Pärt T, Żmihorski M (2021) Evaluating Google Street View for tracking invasive alien plants along roads. Ecological Indicators 121:107020

129. Thorn S, Chao A, Georgiev KB, Müller J, Bässler C, Campbell JL, Castro J, Chen Y-H, Choi C-Y, Cobb TP, Donato DC, Durska E, Macdonald E, Feldhaar H, Fontaine JB, Fornwalt PJ, Hernández RM, Hutto RL, Koivula M, Lee EJ, Lindenmayer D, Mikusiński G, Obrist MK, Perlík M, Rost J, Waldron K, Wermelinger B, Weiß I, Żmihorski M, Leverkus AB (2020) Estimating retention benchmarks for salvage logging to protect biodiversity. Nature Communications 11:4762

128. Ruete A, Arlt D, Berg Å, Knape J, Żmihorski M, Pärt T (2020) Cannot see the diversity for all the species: Evaluating inclusion criteria for local species lists when using abundant citizen science data. Ecology and Evolution 10:10057-10065

127. Żmihorski M, Kowalski M, Cichocki J, Rubacha S, Kotowska D, Krupiński D, Rosin ZM, Šálek M, Pärt T (2020) The use of socio-economy in species distribution modelling: features of rural societies improve predictions of barn owl occurrence. Science of the Total Environment 741, 140407
126. Kotowska D, Zegarek M, Osojca G, Satory A, Pärt T, Żmihorski M (2020) Spatial patterns of bat diversity overlap with woodpecker abundance. PeerJ 8:e9385
125. Jaroszewicz B, Jankowska-Błaszczuk M, Żmihorski M, Hałatkiewicz T (2020) An efficient tool for the maintenance of thermophilous oak forest understory: sheep or brush cutter? Forests 11:582

124. Josefsson J, Hiron M, Arlt D, Auffret A, Berg Å, Chevalier M, Glimskär A, Hartman G, Kacergyte I, Klein J, Knape J, Low M, Paquet M, Pasanen Mortensen M, Rosin Z, Rubene D, Laugen A, Żmihorski M, Pärt T (2020) Improving scientific rigour in conservation evaluations and a plea deal for transparency on potential biases. Conservation Letters e12726

123. Banaszak-Cibicka W, Żmihorski M (2020) Are cities hotspots for bees? Local and regional diversity patterns lead to different conclusions. Urban Ecosystems 23, 713-722

122. Georgiev K, Chao A, Castro J, Chen Y-H, Choi C-Y, Fontaine J, Hutto R; Lee E-J, Müller J, Rost J, Żmihorski M, Thorn S (2020) Salvage logging changes the taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional successional trajectories of forest bird communities. Journal of Applied Ecology 57:1103-1112

121. Gutowski JM, Sućko K, Borowski J, Kubisz D, Mazur MA, Melke A, Mokrzycki T,  Plewa R, Żmihorski M (2020) Post-fire beetle succession in a biodiversity hotspot: Białowieża Primeval Forest. Forest Ecology and Management 461: 117893

120. Rosin Z, Hiron M, Żmihorski M, Szymański P, Tobółka M, Pärt T. (2020) Reduced biodiversity in modernised villages: a conflict between sustainable development goals. Journal of Applied Ecology 57:467-475

119. Brzeziński M, Żmihorski M, Nieoczym M, Wilniewczyc P, Zalewski A. (2020) The expansion wave of an invasive predator leaves declining waterbird populations behind. Diversity and Distributions 26:138-150.

118. Zyśk-Gorczyńska E, Skórka P, Żmihorski M (2020) Graffiti saves birds: a year-round pattern of bird collisions with glass bus shelters. Landscape and Urban Planning 193:103680.

117. Berg Å, Cronvall E, Eriksson Å, Glimskär A, Hiron M, Knape J, Pärt T, Wissman J, Żmihorski M, Öckinger E (2019) Assessing agri-environmental schemes for semi-natural grasslands during a five-year period: Can we see positive effects for vascular plants and pollinators? Biodiversity and Conservation 28:3989-4005.

116. Jasińska K, Żmihorski M, Krauze-Gryz D, Kotowska D, Piotrowska D, Werka J, Part T (2019) Linking habitat composition, local population densities and traffic characteristics to spatial patterns of ungulate-train collisions. Journal of Applied Ecology 56:2630-2640.

115. Żmihorski M, Hebda G, Eggers S, Månsson J, Abrahamsson T, Czeszczewik D, Walankiewicz W, Mikusiński G. 2019. Early post-fire bird community in European boreal forest: comparing salvage-logged with non-intervention areas. Global Ecology and Conservation 18: e00636

114. Hebda G, Kata K, Żmihorski M (2019) The last meal: large insects predominate diet of the European Roller prior to population extinction. Bird Study 66:173-177.

113. Lenda M, Skórka P, Knops J, Żmihorski M, Gaj R, Moroń D, Woyciechowski M, Tryjanowski P (2019) Multispecies invasion reduces the negative impact of single alien plant species on native flora. Diversity and Distributions 25:951-962.

112. Krauze-Gryz D, Gryz J, Żmihorski M (2019) Cats kill millions of vertebrates in Polish farmland annually. Global Ecology and Conservation 17: e00516

111. Valkó O, Venn S, Żmihorski M, Biurrun I, Labadesa R, Loos J (2018) The challenge of abandonment for thesustainable management of Palaearcticnatural and semi-natural grasslands. Hacquetia 17:5-16

110. Skórka P, Żmihorski M, Grzędzicka E, Martyka R, Sutherland W (2018) The role of churches in maintaining bird diversity: a case study from southern Poland. Biological Conservation 226:280-287

109. Żmihorski M, Chylarecki P, Orczewska A, Wesołowski T (2018) Białowieża Forest: A new threat. Science 361(6399):238

108. Knape J, Arlt D, Barraquand F, Berg Å, Chevalier M, Pärt T, Ruete A, Żmihorski M (2018) Sensitivity of binomial N-mixture models to overdispersion: the importance of assessing model t. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9:2102-2114

107. Brzeziński M, Żmihorski M, Zarzycka A, Zalewski M (2018) Expansion and population dynamics of a non-native invasive species: the 40-year history of American mink colonisation of Poland. Biological Invasions 21:531-545.

106. Nadachowski A, Lipecki G, Baca M, Żmihorski M, Wilczyński J (2018) Impact of climate and humans on the range dynamics of woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) in Europe during MIS 2. Quaternary Research 90:439-456

105. Šálek M, Żmihorski M (2018) Manure heaps attract farmland birds during winter. Bird Study 65:426-430

104. Šálek M, Bazant M, Żmihorski M (2018) Active farmsteads are year-round strongholds for farmland birds. Journal of Applied Ecology 55:1908-1918

103. Banaszak-Cibicka W, Fliszkiewicz M, Langowska A, Żmihorski M (2018) Body size and wing asymmetry along an urbanization gradient in bee. Apidologie 49:297-306

102. Żmihorski M, Krupiński D, Kotowska D, Knape J, Pärt T, Obłoza P, Berg Å (2018) Habitat characteristics associated with occupancy of declining waders in Polish wet grasslands. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 251:236-243

101. Brzeziński M, Ignatiuk P, Żmihorski M, Zalewski A (2018) An invasive predator affects habitat use by native prey: American mink and water vole co-existence in riparian habitats. Journal of Zoology 304:109-116

100. Krauze-Gryz D, Żmihorski M, Jasińska K, Kwaśny Ł, Werka J (2017) Temporal Pattern of Wildlife-Train Collisions: Poland as a Case Study. Journal of Wildlife Management 81:1513-1519

099. Thorn S, Bässler C, Brandl R, Burton PJ, Cahall R, Campbell JL, Castro J, Choi CY, Cobb T, Donato DC, Durska E, Fontaine JB, Gauthier S, Hebert1 C, Hothorn T, Hutto RL, Lee EJ, Leverkus AB, Lindenmayer DB, Obrist MK, Rost J, Seibold S, Seidl R, Thom D, Waldron K, Wermelinger B, Winter MB, Żmihorski M, Müller J (2018) Impacts of salvage logging on biodiversity – a meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Ecology 55:279-289

098. Krauze-Gryz D, Żmihorski M, Gryz J (2017) Annual variation in prey composition of domestic cats in rural and suburban environment. Urban Ecosystems 20:945-952

097. Żmihorski M, Ławicki Ł, Marchowski D, Wylegała P, Pärt T (2016) Spatial variation in long-term trends in a metapopulation of the globally threatened Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola in Poland. Acta Orntihologica 51:245-256

096. Yosef R, Zduniak P, Żmihorski M (2016) Invasive ring-necked parakeet negatively affects indigenous Eurasian hoopoe. Annales Zoologici Fennici 53:281–287

095. Żmihorski M, Berg Å, Pärt T (2016) Forest clear-cuts as additional habitat for breeding farmland birds in crisis. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 233:291-297

094. Nobis A, Żmihorski M, Kotowska D (2016) Linking the diversity of native flora to land cover heterogeneity and plant invasions in a river valley. Biological Conservation 203:17-24

093. Valko O, Żmihorski M, Biurrun I, Loos J, Labadessa R, Venn S (2016) Ecology and Conservation of Steppes and Semi-Natural Grasslands. Hacquetia 15(2):5-14

092. Berg Å, Bergman KO, Wissman J, Żmihorski M, Öckinger E. (2016) Power-line corridors as source habitat for butterflies in forest landscapes. Biological Conservation 201:320-326

091. Panagiotopoulou H, Baca M, Baca K, Sienkiewicz P, Ślipiński P, Żmihorski M (2016) Genetic identification of a non-native species introgression into wild population of the field cricket Gryllus campestris in Central Europe. European Journal of Entomology 113:446-455

090. Rosin ZM, Skórka P, Pärt T, Żmihorski M, Ekner-Grzyb A, Kwieciński Z, Tryjanowski P (2016) Villages and their old farmsteads are hot-spots of bird diversity in agricultural landscapes. Journal of Applied Ecology 53:1363-1372

089. Ślipiński P, Żmihorski M (2017) Changes in the speed of ants as a result of aggressive interactions. Insect Science 24:842-852

088. Żmihorski M, Kotowska D, Berg Å, Pärt T (2016) Evaluating conservation tools in Polish grasslands: the occurrence of birds in relation to agri-environment schemes and Natura 2000 area. Biological Conservation 194:150-157

087. Żmihorski M, Pärt T, Gustafson T, Berg Å (2016) Effects of water level and grassland management on alpha and beta diversity of birds in restored wetlands. Journal of Applied Ecology 53:587-595

086. Mirski P, Krupiński D, Szulak K, Żmihorski M (2016) Seasonal and spatial variation of the Montagu’s Harrier’s diet in extensive farmland in Eastern Poland. Bird Study 63:165-171

085. Żmihorski M, Ślipiński P (2016) The importance of diurnal and nocturnal activity and interspecific interactions for space use by ants in clear-cuts. Ecological Entomology 41:276-283

084. Ciechanowski M, Jakusz-Gostomska A, Żmihorski M (2015) Empty in summer, crowded during migration? Structure of assemblage, distribution pattern and habitat use by bats (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in a narrow, marine peninsula. Mammal Research 61: 45-55

083. Panagiotopoulou H, Baca M, Baca K, Stankovic A, Żmihorski M (2015) Optimization and validation of a multiplex assay for microsatellite loci analysis in the field cricket, Gryllus campestris (Orthoptera: Gryllidae). Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 18:421-424

082. Kajtoch Ł, Żmihorski M, Wieczorek P (2015) Habitat displacement effect between two competing owl species in fragmented forests. Population Ecology 57:517-527

081. Pluciński T, Żmihorski M, Pluciński P (2015) Impact of night-time crop harvesting on bat activity in agricultural landscape. Zoology and Ecology 25:1-8

080. Berg A, Wretenberg J, Żmihorski M, Hiron M, Part T (2015) Linking occurrence and changes in local abundance of farmland bird species to landscape composition and land-use changes. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 204:1-7

079. Kajtoch Ł, Żmihorski M, Piestrzyńska-Kajtoch A (2014) The Goosander as potential indicator of naturalness and biodiversity in submontane river valleys of northern Carpathians. Ecological Indicators 45:83-92

078. Dąbrowski MJ, Pilot M., Kruczyk M, Żmihorski M, Umer MH, Gliwicz J  (2014) Reliability assessment of null allele detection: inconsistencies between and within different methods. Molecular Ecology Resources 14:361-373

077. Piksa K, Nowak J, Żmihorski M, Bogdanowicz W (2013) Nonlinear distribution pattern of hibernating bats in caves along an elevational gradient in mountain (Carpathians, southern Poland). PLoS ONE 8(7):e86066

076. Buś MM, Żmihorski M, Romanowski J, Balciauskiene L, Cichocki J, Balciauskas L (2013) High efficiency protocol of DNA extraction from Micromys minutus mandibles from owl pellets: a tool for molecular research of cryptic mammal species. Acta Theriologica 59:99-109

075. Romanowski J, Altenburg D, Żmihorski M (2013) Earthworms: the hidden component in the diet of little owl, Athene noctua in agricultural landscape of Central Poland. North-Western Journal of Zoology 9:310-318

074. Żmihorski M, Romanowski J, Borowiecki M (2012) Drobne ssaki w pokarmie trzech gatunków sów w dolinie Dolnej Odry. Przegląd Przyrodniczy 23(2):77-85

073. Krauze-Gryz D, Gryz J, Goszczyński J, Chylarecki P, Żmihorski M (2013) The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: space use and intraguild interactions among three opportunistic predators – cat Felis catus, dog Canis familiaris and fox Vulpes vulpes – under human pressure. Canadian Journal of Zoology 90:1402-1413

072. Romanowski J, Brzeziński M, Żmihorski M (2013) Habitat correlates of the Eurasian otter Lutra lutra recolonizing Central Poland. Acta Theriologica 58:149-155

071. Żmihorski M, Dziarska-Pałac J, Sparks TH, Tryjanowski P (2013) Ecological correlates of the popularity of birds and butterflies in Internet information resources. Oikos 122:183-190

070. Żmihorski M, Romanowski J, Chylarecki P (2013) Environmental factors affecting the densities of owls in Polish farmland during 1980-2005. Biologia 67:1204-1210

069. Żmihorski M, Sienkiewicz P, Tryjanowski P (2013) Never ending story - a lesson in using sampling efficiency methods with ground beetles. Journal of Insect Conservation 17:333-337

068. Brzeziński M, Jedlikowski J, Żmihorski M (2012) The effect of nest site on the nesting success of the Coot Fulica atra. Ornis Fennica 90:57-64

067. Sienkiewicz P, Żmihorski M (2012) The effect of disturbance by river flooding on the ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae). European Journal of Entomolology 109:535-541

066. Kajtoch Ł, Żmihorski M, Bonczar Z (2012) Hazel Grouse occurrence in fragmented forests: habitat quantity and configuration more important than quality. European Journal Forest Research 131:1783-1795

065. Żmihorski M, Sparks TH, Tryjanowski P (2012) The weekend bias in recording rare birds: mechanisms and consequencess. Acta Ornithologica 47:87-94

064. Brzeziński M, Eliava G, Żmihorski M (2012) Road mortality of pond-breeding amphibians during spring migrations in the Mazurian Lakeland, NE Poland. European Journal Wildlife Research 58:685-693

063. Brzeziński M, Natorff M, Zalewski A, Żmihorski M (2012) Numerical and behavioural responses of waterfowl to the invasive American mink:  a conservation paradox. Biological Conservation 147:68-78

062. Ślipiński P, Żmihorski M, Czechowski W (2012) Species diversity and nestedness of ant assemblages in an urban environment. European Journal of Entomology 109:197-206

061. Ławicki Ł, Wylegała P, Batycki A, Kajzer Z, Guentzel S, Jasiński M, Kruszyk R, Rubacha S, Żmihorski M (2011) Long-term decline of the grassland waders in Western Poland. Vogelwelt 132:101-108

060. Żmihorski M, Gryz J, Krauze-Gryz D, Olczyk A, Osojca G (2011) The tawny owl Strix aluco as a material collector in faunistic investigations: the case study of small mammals in NE Poland. Acta Zoologica Lituanica 21:185-191

059. Żmihorski M (2012) The effects of natural and anthropogenic disturbances on breeding birds in managed forests. Ornis Fennica 89:63-73

058. Tryjanowski P,  Hartel T, Baldi A, Szymanski P, Tobolka M, Herzon I, Golawski A, Konvicka M, Hromada M, Jerzak L, Kujawa K, Lenda M, Orlowski G, Panek M, Skórka P, Sparks TH, Wuczyński A, Żmihorski M (2011) Conservation of farmland birds faces different challenges in Western and Central-Eastern Europe. Acta Ornithologica 46:1-12

057. Żmihorski M (2011) Stwierdzenia wilka Canis lupus w Lasach Mieszkowickich (Zach. Polska) w latach 2002-2011. Przegląd Przyrodniczy 22(2):100-102

056. Banaszak-Cibicka W, Żmihorski M (2012) Wild bees along an urban gradient: winners and losers. Journal of Insect Conservation 16:331-343

055. Ławicki Ł, Panagiotopoulou H, Żmihorski M (2011) Występowanie gniewosza plamistego Coronella austriaca (Laurenti, 1758) w Dolinie Dolnej Odry. Chrońmy Przyrodę Ojczystą 67:466-473

054. Żmihorski M (2011) Does the decline of red wood ants after clear-cutting favour epigeic arthropods? European Journal of Entomology 108:425-430

053. Żmihorski M (2011) Forest inventory data reveal stand history from 115 years ago. Annales Botanici Fennici 48:120-128

052. Żmihorski M, Durska E (2011) The effect of contrasting management types on two distinct taxonomic groups in a large scaled windthrow. European Journal of Forest Research 130:589-600

051. Mazgajski TD, Żmihorski M, Abramowicz K (2010) Forest habitat loss and fragmentation in central Poland during the last 100 years. Silva Fennica 44:715-723

050. Biaduń W, Żmihorski M (2011) Factors shaping a breeding bird community along an urbanization gradient: 26-year study in medium size city (Lublin, Poland). Polish Journal of Ecology 59:381-389

049. Ławicki Ł, Guentzel S, Jasiński M, Kajzer Z, Czeraszkiewicz R, Oleksiak A, Żmihorski M, Marchowski D (2010) Dolina Dolnej Odry (Lower Odra River Valley)(T. Wilk, M. Jujka, J. Krogulec, P. Chylarecki, red.): 91–94. Ogólnopolskie Towarzystwo Ochrony Ptaków, Marki (in Polish)

048. Hoste-Danyłow A, Romanowski J, Żmihorski M (2010) The effect of management type on epigeic invertebrates and foraging birds in extensively used grasslands of central Poland. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 139:129-133

047. Żmihorski M (2010) The effect of windthrow and its management on breeding bird communities in a managed forest. Biodiversity and Conservation 19:1871-1882

046. Żmihorski M, Halba R, Mazgajski TD (2010) Long-term spatio-temporal dynamics of corvids wintering in urban parks of Warsaw, Poland. Ornis Fennica 87:61-68

045. Brzeziński M, Marzec M, Żmihorski M (2010) Spatial distribution, activity, habitat selection of American mink (Neovison vison) and polecats (Mustela putorius) inhabiting the vicinity of eutrophic lakes in NE Poland. Folia Zoologica 59:183-191

044. Brzeziński M, Żmihorski M, Barkowska M (2010) Spatio-temporal variation in predation on artificial ground nests: a 12 year experiment. Annales Zoologici Fennici 47:173-183

043. Żmihorski M, Chylarecki P, Rejt Ł, Mazgajski TD (2010) The effects of forest patch size and ownership structure on tree stand characteritics in a highly deforested landscape of central Poland. European Journal of Forest Research 129:393-400

042. Ławicki Ł, Guentzel S, Jasiński M, Kajzer Z, Żmihorski M (2009) Awifauna lęgowa Doliny Dolnej Odry. Notatki Ornitologiczne 50:268-281 (in Polish, English summary)

041. Żmihorski M (2010) Distribution of red wood ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the clear-cut areas of a managed forest in Western Poland. Journal of Forest Research 15:145-148

040. Kubacka J, Żmihorski M, MirskiP, Rejt Ł (2010) Central-place foraging in an urban landscape: body mass of Common voles (Microtus arvalis Pall.) caught by breeding Kestrels (Falco tinnunculus L.) is positively correlated with availability of hunting sites. Polish Journal of Ecology 58:387-392

039. Żmihorski M, Lewtak J, Brzeziński M, Romanowski J (2010) Nest survival in a large river valley: an experiment using artificial nests on an island and river bank in Vistula river (Poland). Polish Journal of Ecology 58:197-203

038. Brzeziński M, Romanowski J, Żmihorski M, Karpowicz K (2010) Muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) decline after the expansion of American mink (Neovison vison) in Poland. European Journal of Wildlife Research 56:341-348

037. Brzeziński M, Żmihorski M (2009) Nestling diet and parental provisioning behaviour in the Marsh Harrier (Circus aeruginosus). Acta Zool Lituanica 19:93-98

036. Żmihorski M, Romanowski J, Osojca G (2009) Habitat preferences of a declining population of the little owl, Athene noctua in Central Poland. Folia Zoologica 58:207-215

035. Włodarczyk T, Żmihorski M, Olczyk A (2009) Ants inhabiting stumps on clearcuts in managed forest in western Poland. Entomologica Fennica 20:121-128

034. Romanowski J, Żmihorski M (2009) Seasonal and habitat variation in the diet of the tawny owl (Strix aluco) in Central Poland during unusually warm years. Biologia (Bratislava) 64:365-369

033. Romanowski J, Żmihorski M (2008) Effect of season, weather and habitat on diet variation of a feeding specialist: a case study of the long-eared owl, Asio otus in Central Poland. Folia Zoologica 57:411-419

032. Żmihorski M, Balciauskiene L, Romanowski J (2008) Small mammals in the diet of the Tawny Owl (Strix aluco L.) in Central European Lowland. Polish Journal of Ecology 56:693-700

031. Żmihorski M (2008) Breading birds community of the windthrow in the Piska Forest (NE Poland). Notatki Ornitologiczne 49:39-45 (in Polish, English summary)

030. Żmihorski M (2008) Can clearcuts increase bird species richness in managed forest? Journal of Forest Science 54:189-193

029. Mazgajski TD, Żmihorski M, Halba R, Woźniak A (2008) Long-term population trends of Corvids wintering in urban parks in Central Poland. Polish Journal of Ecology 56:521-526

028. Barańska K, Żmihorski M (2008) Occurrence of rare and protected plant species related to species richness in calcareous xerothermic grassland. Polish Journal of Ecology 56:343-350

027. Romanowski J, Żmihorski M (2008) Selecion of foraging habitat by grassland birds: efect of prey abundance or availability? Polish Journal of Ecology 56:365-370

026. Żmihorski M (2008) Czego nie zalesiać? Zagrożone gatunki zwierząt. W: Jermaczek A. (red.) Zalesiać czy nie zalesiać? Wydawnictwo Klubu Przyrodników, Świebodzin., str: 65-85 (in Polish)

025. Kucharski D, Żmihorski M (2008) Blaps lethifera Marsham, 1802 in the Cedynia Landscape Park (Western Poland). Wiadomości entomologiczne 27:57-58 (in Polish, English summary)

024. Barańska K, Żmihorski M (2007) Termophilous flora in the landscape of increasing forest coverage:the case of calcareous xeric grasslands in the Lower Odra Valley in the last 40 years. Przegląd Przyrodniczy 18(1-2):219-226 (in Polish, Eglish summary)

023. Żmihorski M, Rejt Ł (2007) Weather-dependent variation in the cold-season diet of urban Kestrel Falco tinnunculus. Acta Ornithologica 42:107-113

022. Żmihorski M (2007) Record of the raccoon Procyon lotor in the Cedyński Landscape Park (NW Poland). Przegląd Przyrodniczy 18(3-4):149-150 (in Polish, English summary)

021. Barańska K, Żmihorski M (2007) Rare plant sites in the xeric calcareous grasslands of the Cedyński Landscape Park (NW Poland). Badania Fizjograficzne nad Polską Zachodnią, seria B. 56:163-172 (in Polish, English summary)

020. Kucharski D, Osojca G, Żmihorski M (2007) Records of Ceruchus chrysomelinus Hochenwarth, 1785 (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) in the Romincka Forest Landscape Park (NE Poland). Parki narodowe i Rezerwaty Przyrody 26(1):107-109 (in Polish, English summary)

019. Żmihorski M, Barańska K (2006) Rare bird species in the Cedyński Landscape Park (NW Poland). Przegląd Przyrodniczy 17(1-2):67-70 (in Polish, English summary)

018. Żmihorski M, Altenburg D, Romanowski J, Kowalski M, Osojca G (2006) Long term decline of the Little Owl in Central Poland. Polish Journal of Ecology 54:321-324

017. Żmihorski M, Osojca G (2006) Diet of the Tawny Owl (Strix aluco) in the Romincka Forest (North East Poland). Acta Zoologica Lituanica 16:54-60

016. Żmihorski M, Rejt Ł (2006) Variation in the diet of the urban Kestrel Falco tinnunculus outside breeding season: differences between territories. Notatki Ornitologiczne 47:89-95 (in Polish, English summary)

015. Żmihorski M, Barańska K (2006) Rare beetles (Insecta:Coleoptera) of the Cedyński Landscape Park (NW Poland).Parki narodowe i Rezerwaty Przyrody 25(1):19-24 (in Polish, English summary)

014. Kucharski D, Żmihorski M (2006) The Hermit Beetle Osmoderma eremita (Scopoli 1763) (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae) in Black Locust Robinia pseudoacacia mould in Cedynski Landscape Park. Przegląd Zoologiczny 50:151-154 (in Polish, English summary)

013. Romanowski J, Żmihorski M (2006) The Little Owl Athene noctua diet in Central Poland. Notatki Ornitologiczne 47:203-206 (in Polish, English summary)

012. Altenburg D, Romanowski J, Żmihorski M (2006) Record of the Hermit Beetle Osmoderma eremita (Scopoli, 1763) in the Little Owl Athene noctua (Scopoli, 1769) diet in central Poland. Przegląd Zoologiczny 50:155-156 (in Polish, English summary)

011. Żmihorski M, Osojca G (2005) The first record of Common pine vole Microtus subterraneus (de Selys-Longchamps, 1836) in NE Poland. Przegląd Zoologiczny 49:51-52 (in Polish, English summary)

010. Żmihorski M, Krupiński D, Osojca G, Jarzombkowski F (2005) Owls of the Kampinoski National Park (Central Poland). Kulon 10:43-46 (in Polish, English summary)

009. Żmihorski M (2005) The Long-eared Owl Asio otus diet in agriculture and forest landscape. Notatki Ornitologiczne 46:127-130 (in Polish, English summary)

008. Żmihorski M (2005) Pójdźka Athene noctua. W: Mikusek R. (red.) Metody Badań i Ochrony Sów. WFIE, Kraków, str: 105-113 (in Polish)

007. Barańska K, Żmihorski M (2005) Stipa capillata in the Cedynski Landscape Park (Western Poland). Chrońmy Przyrodę Ojczystą 61(6):81-86 (in Polish, English summary)

006. Mazgajski TD, Woźniak A, Żmihorski M (2005) Changes in the number of Corvids wintering in Warsaw over years 1974-2004. In: Jerzak L.,  Kavanagh B.P., Tryjanowski P. (eds.) Corvids of Poland. Bogucki, Poznań

005. Żmihorski M (2004) Number of the Little Owl Athene noctua in Warsaw suburban zone (Central Poland). Kulon 9:203-205 (in Polish, English summary)

004. Żmihorski M (2004) New locality of smooth snake Coronella austriaca in Cedynski Landscape Park (North-West Poland). Przegląd Przyrodniczy 15(1-4):202-203 (in Polish, English summary)

003. Żmihorski M (2004) Locality of Ladybird spider Eresus cinnabericus in Piska Forest (NE Poland). Kulon 9:233-234 (in Polish, English summary)

002. Osojca G, Żmihorski M (2004) New locality of Common Dormouse Muscardinus avellanarius L. in the Romincka Forest (NE Poland). Kulon 9:129-130 (in Polish, English summary)

001. Garbalińska P, Kucharski D, Żmihorski M (2004) Stanowisko pachnicy dębowej Osmoderma eremita Scopoli, 1763 (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) w Cedyńskim Parku Krajobrazowym. Przegląd Przyrodniczy 14(1-2):175-177 (in Polish, English summary)