30.06.2024. Paper accepted!

Walesiak M, Mikusiński G, Michielsen R, Żmihorski M. 2024. Salvage logging and subsequent post-windthrow management diminish forest bird communities for two decades. Journal of Applied Ecology (in press)

08.03.2024. Paper accepted!

Bramorska B, Komar E, Maugeri L, Ruczyński I, Żmihorski M. 2024. Socio-economic variables improve accuracy and change spatial predictions in species distribution models. Science of the Total Environment (in press)

8.11.2023. Paper accepted!

Kotowska D, Skórka P, Pärt T, Auffret A, Żmihorski M. 2023. Spatial scale matters for predicting plant invasions along roads. Journal of Ecology (in press)

7.11.2023. Paper accepted!

Żmihorski M. 2023. The hallucinating chatbot ‘chatGPT’ poorly estimates real bird commonness. Biological Conservation (in prss)

02.09.2022. Paper accepted!

Zyśk-Gorczyńska E, Żmihorski M. 2022. Ultraviolet film invisible to humans reduces bird-glass collision risk. Ornis Fennica (in press)

25.01.2022. Paper accepted!

Walesiak M, Mikusiński G, Borowski Z, Żmihorski M. 2022. Large fire initially reduces bird diversity in Poland’s largest wetland biodiversity hotspot. Biodiversity and Conservation (in press)

20.12.2021. Paper accepted!

Šálek M, Bažant M, Żmihorski M, Gamero A. 2021. Evaluating conservation tools in intensively-used farmland: higher bird and mammal diversity in seed-rich strips during winte. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment (in press)

8.12.2021. Paper accepted!

Żmihorski M, Kotowska D, Zyśk-Gorczyńska E. 2021. Using citizen science to identify environmental correlates of bird-window collisions in Poland. Science of the Total Environment (in press)

25.11.2021. Paper accepted!

Jaroszewicz B, Nowak, K, Żmihorski M. Poland’s border wall threatens ancient forest. Science 374:1063

17.10.2021. Paper accepted!

Rachwald A, Ciesielski M, Szurlej M, Żmihorski M. 2021. Following the damage: increasing western barbastelle bat activity in bark beetle infested stands in Białowieża Primeval Forest. Forest Ecology and Management (in press)

14.10.2021. Paper accepted!

Nowak S, Żmihorski M, Figura M, Stachyra P, Mysłajek RW (2021) The illegal shooting and snaring of legally protected wolves in Poland. Biological Conservation (in press)

09.10.2021. Paper accepted!

Zyśk-Gorczyńska E, Sztwiertnia H, Pietkiewicz M, Kolanek A, Bojarska K, Żmihorski M (2021) Local bird densities and habitats are poor predictors of bird collision with glass bus shelters. Landscape and Urban Planning (in press)

16.08.2021. Paper accetped!

Šálek M, Kalinová K, Daňková R, Grill S, Żmihorski M. 2021. Reduced diversity of farmland birds in homogenized agricultural landscape: a cross-border comparison over the former Iron Curtain. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment (in press)

02.07.2021. Paper accepted!

Kačergytė I, Petersson E, Arlt D, Hellström M, Knape J, Spens J, Żmihorski M, Pärt T (2021) Environmental DNA metabarcoding elucidates patterns of fish colonisation and co-occurrences with amphibians in temperate wetlands created for biodiversity. Freshwater Biology (in press)

19.03.2021. Paper accepted!

Kačergytė I, Arlt D, Berg Å, Żmihorski M, Knape J, Rosin ZM, Pärt T. 2021. Evaluating created wetlands for bird diversity and reproductive success. Biological Conservation (in press)

25.02.2021. Paper accepted!

Pustkowiak S, Kwieciński Z, Lenda M, Żmihorski M, Rosin Z, Tryjanowski P, Skóka P. 2021. Small things are important: the value of singular point elements for birds in agricultural landscapes. Biological Rewievs (in press)

12.01.2021. Paper accepted!

Borowik T, Ratkiewicz M, Maślanko W, Kowalczyk R, Duda N, Żmihorski M 2021. Temporal pattern of moose-vehicle collisions. Transportation Research Part D (in press)

10.10.2020. Paper accepted!

Krupiński D, Kotowska D, Recio MR, Żmihorski M, Obłoza P, Mirski P. 2020.  Ranging behaviour and habitat use in Montagu’s Harrier in extensive farmland of Eastern Poland. Journal of Ornithology (in press)

28.09.2020. Paper accepted!

Kotowska D, Pärt T, Żmihorski M. 2020. Evaluating Google Street View for tracking invasive alien plants along roads. Ecological Indicators (in press)

19.08.2020. Paper accepted!

Thorn S, Chao A, Georgiev KB, Müller J, Bässler C, Campbell JL, Castro J, Chen Y-H, Choi C-Y, Cobb TP, Donato DC, Durska E, Macdonald E, Feldhaar H, Fontaine JB, Fornwalt PJ, Hernández RM, Hutto RL, Koivula M, Lee EJ, Lindenmayer D, Mikusiński G, Obrist MK, Perlík M, Rost J, Waldron K, Wermelinger B, Weiß I, Żmihorski M, Leverkus AB. 2020. Estimating retention benchmarks for salvage logging to protect biodiversity. Nature Communications (in press)

10.07.2020. Papper accepted!

Ruete A, Arlt D, Berg Å, Knape J, Żmihorski M, Pärt T. 2020. Cannot see the diversity for all the species: Evaluating inclusion criteria for local species lists when using abundant citizen science data. Ecology and Evolution (in press)

19.06.2020. Paper accepted

Żmihorski M, Kowalski M, Cichocki J, Rubacha S, Kotowska D, Krupiński D, Rosin ZM, Šálek M, Pärt T. 2020. The use of socio-economy in species distribution modelling: features of rural societies improve predictions of barn owl occurrence. Science of the Total Environment (in press)

28.05.2020. Paper accepted!

Kotowska D, Zegarek M, Osojca G, Satory A, Pärt T, Żmihorski M. 2020. Spatial patterns of bat diversity overlap with woodpecker abundance. PeerJ (in press)

20.05.2020. Paper accepted!

Jaroszewicz B, Jankowska-Błaszczuk M, Żmihorski M, Hałatkiewicz T. 2020. An efficient tool for the maintenance of thermophilous oak forest understory: sheep or brush cutter? Forests (in press)

12.04.2020. Paper accepted!

Josefsson J, Hiron M, Arlt D, Auffret A, Berg Å, Chevalier M, Glimskär A, Hartman G, Kacergyte I, Klein J, Knape J, Low M, Paquet M, Pasanen Mortensen M, Rosin Z, Rubene D, Laugen A, Żmihorski M, Pärt T. 2020. Improving scientific rigour in conservation evaluations and a plea deal for transparency on potential biases. Conservation Letters (in press)

03.03.2020. Paper accepted!

Banaszak-Cibicka W, Żmihorski M. 2020. Are cities hotspots for bees? Local and regional diversity patterns lead to different conclusions. Urban Ecosystems (in press)

23.01.2020. Papper accepted!

Georgiev K, Chao A, Castro J, Chen Y-H, Choi C-Y, Fontaine J, Hutto R; Lee E-J, Müller J, Rost J, Żmihorski M, Thorn S. 2020. Salvage logging changes the taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional successional trajectories of forest bird communities. Journal of Applied Ecology (in press)

08.01.2020. Paper accepted!

Gutowski JM, Sućko K, Borowski J, Kubisz D, Mazur MA, Melke A, Mokrzycki T,  Plewa R, Żmihorski M. 2020. Post-fire beetle succession in a biodiversity hotspot: Białowieża Primeval Forest. Forest Ecology and Management (in press)

28.11.2019. Paper accepted!

Rosin Z, Hiron M, Żmihorski M, Szymański P, Tobółka M, Pärt T. (2019) Reduced biodiversity in modernised villages: a conflict between sustainable development goals. Journal of Applied Ecology (in press)

15.10.2019. Paper accepted!

Brzeziński M, Żmihorski M, Nieoczym M, Wilniewczyc P, Zalewski A. (2019) The expansion wave of an invasive predator leaves declining waterbird populations behind. Diversity and Distributions (in press)